BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents > Opening a document from within TeamWork

Opening a document from within TeamWork

You can open a document for editing from within TeamWork if the document’s native application is installed on your computer.

To open a document for editing from within TeamWork:

  1. Double-click the document.


  1. On the Document menu, select Open in Application.


  1. Click the Open in Application button in the Main toolbar. The icon on this button is different for each file type.


  1. Right-click the document to display the shortcut menu and then select Open or Open With.

If the document is under change by you in a workflow, it will open immediately. If not, a dialog will show the actions that are available to you.

  1. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Document open actions
Option Description

Open read-only

Opens the document in its application read-only. You will not be able to save any changes that you make. However, this is useful for viewing, printing, and other purposes and will not create a new revision of the document.

Start Quick Change and open for editing

Checks the document out to you in a Quick Change workflow and opens the document in its application. If you have not been assigned the Start Quick Change privilege, this option is cleared.

Start change and open for editing

Checks the document out to you in the workflow that is configured for the document type and opens the document in its application. If a workflow definition has been assigned to the document type, this option is cleared. In that case, you must click Cancel and start the assigned workflow first before opening the document for editing.

You can type a short comment in the document log...

Type a brief explanation as to why you are editing the document, the changes that you will make, or other comments that could be valuable to other users or for historical reference.

Apply to all documents

Applies the selected action and the typed comments to all documents in the current batch and you will not be prompted again.
  1. Click OK to perform the selected action. Click Skip to perform no action on the document named in the dialog title bar and proceed to the next document in the current batch, if applicable. Click Cancel to stop processing the selected documents.

Tip    It is very convenient to open vault documents from within their native application instead of from within TeamWork. For more information, see About Application Integration.

Related tasks

Editing properties

Changing a document s type

Setting a property value

Changing the revision number of an existing document

Issuing a new file name

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